HI to all. Bit of an Intro from me.
Got introduced to this Forum by Dundee, (EVERY ONE SCREAMS AND RUNS)
I hale from the OTHER forum. (It seems most on here know the place),,,,In-fact I was one of the first members on there and have seen it gradually decline over the years. BUGGAR........

Seems to me this one is how the other used to be- Helpful, Informative, and a heap of fun.
SO,,, I hail from all over this great country, At this present time I lay my head in Wellington, Moved here a year ago from Palmy North. Havn't fired a shot in all the time I have been here, Looking for work and sorting our alternative abode.....
WE,, Me and my lovley partner, (((wife to be))), reside on a Boat, and we love it.
I have a good knowledge of hunting and guns. Am learning that woman catch more fish than us guys ever will..

Am pretty handy with tools and love to get among a good bunch and talk a pile of nothing about nothing.
SO that's me. Here to help if I can,,, Steel knowledge off others when it is offered. Get to know a few of you and take it as it comes...
Cheers Ian