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Thread: Hi from Whangarei.

  1. #31
    MEB is offline
    probably drunk MEB's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    There are 'some' about. Not worth hunting unless you know exactly where they are..

  2. #32
    Jus is offline
    Join Date
    Feb 2022
    There are sika in the Russell forest, doc have a few hundred hours for cullers in there every year but the animals have spread out into private a fair bit. They weee based behind peka peka monument area a few years ago but that was the cullers main area. I’ve bumped into them all over the main forest whilst pighunting years ago. Kaipara has a lot of animals, someone, wont say who, was/is releasing fallow all around there. Cullers are trying to knock ‘em back. Mount aukland has reds I’ve heard, accessing via kayak up the estuary from the west side was successful I’ve been told. Heaps of private land from north Waikato around the Waikato river has animals moving through. Google maps it and ask for access in exchange for a days work on the land? Not sure if your asking for hunt spots or not but if you’re up in whangarei then it’s worth doing a few weekend missions to find a local honey hole as bugger all people bother to look for deer in those areas



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