Welcome to the forum.
Welcome to the forum.
Hastings NZDA Branch also has some good facilities and very good members,
Hawkes Bay Hunting, New Zealand hunting, Deer stalking, bird shooting and wildlife photography - Hastings Deerstalker's Association
You'll have to check us both out and choose which branch better suits your needs, although a Full membership of the Napier Brach is $15 cheaper than Hastings and each additional family member is only an additional $5each.
We do intermingle quite a lot and you can be a member of one branch and an associate member of another if your keen.
Not sure if Hastings has a junior membership but it probably does.
There is actually a few NZDA Branches in Hawkes Bay
Hawkes Bay
and probably some more I have forgot.
No worries.
Be good to see you come along to a few meetings of either branch.
Another benefit is all financial members automatically have a $10 million public liability insurance policy, just in case you set fire to the hut or burn down a large area of bush or any other such liability while out hunting.
This insurance is provided by NZDA.
To be fair, Napier will have a much better juniors program, Hastings just has not been able to get that one working. Napier does run a HUNTS course too. As Pete says we do mix a fair bit and are pretty sociable. I think after tomorrow we may also need to run one of @Gillie shoots.
Welcome to the Forum Jack.
Hopefully the language will get better from some members , now you and family are here . If and when you are out shooting , don't forget to post your photos of animals taken. try to leave the back ground out if possible
Just ask if you need some help im outside the area but can help with most animals
Happy hunting
Thanks Kawekakid, geez don't worry the language I am pretty good at it, my kids aren't so little, youngest 17 oldest 21, so they have heard it all.
Thanks for those tips on photos, amazed with the info and help from everyone its awesome
welcome Karen and enjoy
If in doubt double tap
Welcome Karen, good luck on your NZDA pick........
While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Karen I was bought up in the real bay and know Napier tops Hastings because the people are a lot nicer...I use to farm out maraekakaho Hastings where a lot of deer would run through my farm. Back then I only had a small game .22 I kick myself constantly now as where I'm at now in morrinsville the only thing running through my farm are blinkn flies which I'm glad are finally fading away..