Google search for RCBS press for sale presented me with a link for this forum.
Mate told me
Search Engine
Post on an 'other' forum
Google search for RCBS press for sale presented me with a link for this forum.
A friend told me about it & joined after long time browsing
While looking for information/reviews on scopes and rifles
googling "Kimber rifles for sale nz"
so long ago i cant remember----been reading the forum for ever but have just got into gear an joined
You are looking for notes that talk about Fred Barker's candle method for case annneling
There is still gunpowder left, the Grim Reaper can wait.
Hello All,
New to the Forum. I am a new grad from Penn Foster and thought I would thread my way through some forums in search of knowledge from all those that know more that I do. Currently doing an internship at 3H Tactical in Centerville (Dardanelle, Arkansas address) where I am really learning how to repair firearms. Hope to be able to offer things I have learned and pick up additional knowledge and ideas from those on this Forum.
Thanks, Novismith
I was doing a good search looking for 223rem for deer hunting which directed my to link on NZ hunting website.
Mates have been telling me to get my A into G and join for a while now, normally found on FB groups or even Mewe...
I was watching youtube videos of hunting in Kaikoura and typed into google Hunting in Kaikoura
and somewhere a forum post from here popped up.
So with the information I found I joined the forum
I'm new to hunting in NZ I lived in Aussie for years and hunted buffalo and pigs ,
Now its time to get into some conservation work back home .
Through mates
a mate of mine got me onto it and a few of his mates use it
Google suggested when searching for answers, but also recommended from the local NZDA club members
When ever I wanted to know something alot of the time NZ hunting and shooting link would pop up after typing my question into google. Made an account and it has been bloody handy just reading up on random topics and what people have found. Great site to have access to and be apart of.
I'm a new member, came across this forum when doing some internet research on the Mt Thomas and the Sinclair Range areas in Canterbury as I will be taking my eldest son out for a hunt soon.