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Thread: Newbie - just want to manage rabbits, advice please

  1. #16
    Member rugerman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    yeah I was gonna volunteer my "services" to come and have a look. I have a small lifestyle block in Shannon so pretty close

    All good if you want to sort it yourself of course
    7mm Rem Mag likes this.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Beijing & Auckland
    Quote Originally Posted by rugerman View Post
    yeah I was gonna volunteer my "services" to come and have a look. I have a small lifestyle block in Shannon so pretty close

    All good if you want to sort it yourself of course
    Yeah me too can make a joint effort from late October, free of charge.
    So be it

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2022
    Get a nice fast .22 nitrogen ram air rifle (900fps or better with lead pellets) and that will be very effective. My Benjamin Ironhide puts a serious dent in the 2mm steel pellet trap at 20m so should do bunnies at over twice that with good shot placement. It's also kinder than a springer on the scope. Should be able to get one for around $400 new.

    Identify your target beyond all doubt because you never miss (right?) and I'll be missed.
    Barry the hunter likes this.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    New Plymouth
    Quote Originally Posted by Eat Meater View Post
    Get a nice fast .22 nitrogen ram air rifle (900fps or better with lead pellets) and that will be very effective. My Benjamin Ironhide puts a serious dent in the 2mm steel pellet trap at 20m so should do bunnies at over twice that with good shot placement. It's also kinder than a springer on the scope. Should be able to get one for around $400 new.

    Identify your target beyond all doubt because you never miss (right?) and I'll be missed.
    thats great advice sounds like a plan
    Eat Meater likes this.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2023
    plus one for getting a better air rifle. I’ve had a pretty typical 1000fps .177 air rifle growing up and have shot rabbits around 25-30m and dropped them on the spot. just need to be accurate with good shot placement. having a more powerful .22 would be even better
    Barry the hunter likes this.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2023
    Fast air rifles will "shoot flatter" whether .22 or .177 and I've killed rabbits and possums with both.
    You will have to learn about trajectory, that is, check where your rifle hits at different distances.
    But you always want the to use the pellet that is most accurate, not fastest.

    I also think the more people with firearm licenses the better, and a firearm safety course would be good value whether you pursue it or not. I'm not sure if you can book in to one without starting the license process though.
    There is a bit of cost involved in the admin, and you will need a gun safe at home.
    And if you do get a license, then you can use a shotgun or rifle, though rabbits will become gun shy pretty quick. Talk to your neighbours and let them know what's happening, maybe even get them involved.They may have the same problem and even pay for some ammo.
    Barry the hunter likes this.



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