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  • 35 Post By gimp

Thread: Read before asking, heads-up for new members

  1. #1
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    The Big H

    Read before asking, heads-up for new members

    Welcome to the forum! We hope you enjoy it here. If you have any questions feel free to post in the Questions, Comments, Suggestions subforum or PM an admin (we have blue names).

    As a new member you will be unable to post links, images, or PM other members until we are satisfied that you're a genuine contributor to the forum. This is an anti-spam measure, don't be alarmed if you attempt to do these things and it doesn't work or a post doesn't appear.

    There aren't many rules here but not negotiable is no Politics, no religion, no bullying/abuse, keep it fit and proper

    Unfortunately new members don't get immediate access to the buy sell section as we have a duty of care to protect our established members from the constant bombardment of scammers trying to create new accounts to rip people off.
    I cannot tell you how or when you will gain access as revealing that process will open the flood gates for the scammers to circumvent the process, but hang in there contribute and it will happen in good time. If you can't wait to buy gear then trademe or retail is your only option.
    Last edited by dannyb; 22-03-2024 at 10:46 AM.



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