This hind walked in to 15m from me. IQ has degraded going from the device to my phone to my lap top to here.
This hind walked in to 15m from me. IQ has degraded going from the device to my phone to my lap top to here.
Just a slopy retrobate
so can one of you fellas with this tech try something for me please???/
see if a red/green lazer dot projected onto animal etc shows up in thermal???
the redneck rangefinder idea REALLY holds merit if it does.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Gota have heat Micky and some.
Infirays FH25R has a laser pointer in it. Its on the same button as the range finder, you just hold it down a little longer. When looking to range a small mob of deer a wile ago I was a little perplexed when they suddenly bolted, untill I realized I had turned the laser pointer on and had been waving it over them. They did not like it at all.
Just a slopy retrobate
Watched these young fallows early evening last night for about 30minuts,130yds away.Originally pic was perfect,had to down size it to get on here.I wanted bigger deer to take home so shot 2 red spikers this morning as sun was rising in their faces.Sorry no photos.
A few that I inadvertently managed to take, fumbling with buttons in the dark. I'm slowly learning this stuff.
Nice spiker wandering along river bed edge then fell over for a nice photo.
Fallow buck 400yds away.
Heard this wee one just up behind camp yesterday. Mum came and picked her up some time during the day when we were sheltering from the summer heat here in the Kaimanawas
Spotted last night just after dark.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
About 230m distant.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.