I would be quite curious to know as I would have thought that the air in front of the bullet being forced out would lend to effecting how much reward force is applied, not as much as the expelled gases but maybe measurable?
I do agree KG, it's a fantastic way of portraying the affects with instant gratification. Numbers on a chart don't mean jack when you can see it lke that.
Sexy product too.
how mch was the t3 brake if you dont mind me asking
Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc
And it needs to be fitted by someone who knows what they are doing. I spent three hours indexing 30 calterrys which came from a gunsmith on the piss And yes he had the barrel. . Wicked now and good bit of gear. Not a member here that gunsmith!
"This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..
Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc
Here are a couple of videos with the T3 Terminator on a 338 Lapua Magnum compared to a bare 308.
A 300 Rum compared to a bare 243
Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc