My latest cooking screw up was actually tonite. You wouldn't read about it.
Made a batch of curried sausages. (With sultanas).....So many people hate sultanas in curried sausages? Heathens?
Anyway, I normally add a bit of cayenne for bite just before it's ready. As I was adding a sprinkle there was a helluva of a commotion of yelping and all manner of funiture and ornaments being knocked over. Then I see a fucking sparrow fly threw the lounge into the kitchen straight at me. It brushed me on the shoulder and headed straight for a window past the dining table. I was a bit confused for a split second when it was immediately followed by a 40kg wild eyed GSP at full gallop who cleaned me out on his way to catch the fucking sparrow. He caught it as it was trapped behind the blinds at floor level. Walked back to me to show off his prize and was probably wondering why I am on the floor clutching my knee in a decent amount of pain and loudly cursing his Nazi heritage, especially after he did me a solid favour removing the ferocious sparrow from the house.
Once I collected myself I found I had dropped the packet of cayenne into the mix and when I eventually picked it out there was bugger all left in the packet.
My wife was not impressed at all with my story and even less when she tasted the meal I prepared. I was verbally abused, no sympathy for my knee which was sitting at funny angles and its fair to say I was the only one that ate the sausages tonite.
Ended up having 2 sparrows in the house. 1 survived the incident the other will end up a huge pile on the lawn.
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