And nice to eat
Depends a bit on age of animal also, young sika and fallow don't seem to need much. A butcher told me once with the fallow we had they were so tender not really required.
Got a stag in the safe at the moment, got it Friday, will carve it up tomorrow. Will just separate the muscle groups and vaccume pack. The trim will be frozen until my Butcher is ready to do Salamis and beer sticks. The buck we got 3 weeks ago wasn’t hung for long at all and the Porterhouse steak was tough.
"ars longa, vita brevis"
Thanks all. Going to get some out tomorrow and cook it in the slow cooker using the beef hotpot stuff. Only been 2 weeks, was hoping to keep it frozen for a little longer but should come out nice in the slow cooker. I hope.
The legs are pretty big about 5kg each, left the rump on them so we threw them into black sacks and into the freezer, they were too big for the vacuum packer. . I’ll leave them a little longer.
Hey all, I decided to pull a leg out of the freezer yesterday, boned it out this morning and cleaned it up a bit more. I’m cooking it tomorrow. Would I be best just leaving it in the fridge in a open container or lay it on a rack in the beer fridge with a drip tray until tomorrow? Going to roast it.
This is from the same sika we didn’t hang
Its ready.cook it sooner rather than later.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
Itll come no harm as long as its kept cool @Chelsea![]()
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.