Right promised a Pegion Salad recipe on @
R93 smug dog thread. So here it is.
You need. Pancetta, 2 pigeon breast, onion, red pepper, green leaf salad & Olive Oil and pine nuts.
Dice up the onion and the red pepper. Then fry this up with olive oil
Attachment 89528 place this in your bowl with the green leaf salad.
Next fry your Pancetta.
Attachment 89529
While the Pancetta is frying cut up your pigeon breast.
Attachment 89531
Place your fryer Pancetta in the bowl of salad along with a sprinkling of pine nuts. Keep the Pancetta oil in the frying pan and fry your
pigeon breast in this oil. Fry for no more than five minutes. Tip this in with all the rest and toss. Add salt pepper and the serve. Total cooking time 15 minuets start to finish.
Dishes used. 1 frying pan 1 bowl 1 knife 1 chopping board plates to eat from.
Sorry but phone refuses to post more photos
