The finished product. Sweet chilli and dark soy sauce glazed venison ribs
Mate that looks awesome, a person with Chinese ethnicity would be drooling as well I reckon.
I think I've finally got the wasabi ticking over nicely. It's a long term luxury crop, but I like something a little different!
I made this short vid a week or 2 ago which sorta explains why I enjoy the simple things like living off the land as much as is practicable... "Appreciating The Simple Things In Life...."
Very good
We easily forget that we rural Kiwis can live a life only 1-2 % of the worlds population can enjoy. Plenty of the world's population live rurally, but almost none with our relative wealth and technological advantages.
As an aside, how long do plum trees like those take to start producing?? I MUST get around to putting in some fruit trees![]()
@ XR500 I hope I didn't sound like a Pollyanna, But I find that enjoying what's around you makes life easier because you're not always trying to keep up with the Jones's.... And; I didn't use the over-used word "mindfulness"...
Those plums have been in for about 8 years, but the first 2 summers were droughts which slowed them down. I find you start getting a few after about the 3rd year. I always take any off the tree for the first couple of years to allow the tree to put its energy into growing. The yellow plum in the thumbnail is Luisa; its a fantastic plum. Big, and as juicy as a Golden Queen peach! I've found that Shiro is another fantastic early plum.
Have you ever thought of trying to grow and use the worlds most expensive spice, saffron? Honestly not sure if it even has a noticeable flavor or which dishes it would be great in. All I know is that it is expensive and has a good color.
I have thought about it. But I've been that flat out fencing and getting the property infrastructure sorted as well as the day job of magazine writing/photography, that I'm just going for the bigger easy wins lately!I'm actually finishing a short deadline story that was thrown to me by an editor now!
JChen, i think most saffron is grown in Spain where you have a climate that is so far removed from hat of Taranaki, warm dry summer. It might be quite a challenge growing on on the foot steps of Mt Egmont.
Saffron is grown in the cold snowy European areas too; it's a type of crocus![]()
I have Saffron growing here in Nelson. I haven't done anything with it, I just wanted to the them flower.
Greetings @bumblefoot and All,
A nice little Vid which has reminded me to plant some fruit trees. While watching it I spotted your birthday hunt video and watched that as well. The second video crystalised a thought that had been buzzing around in my head for a while. I have been doing my mid week grandpa walks (both in the pool and in the bush) to build up strength and mobility. The last few months have been difficult due to a bit of a flare up in the arthritis and progress has been slow to non existant. This, together with your video, has prompted me to focus my bush walks more on hunting and set some much more short term goals for the future. After almost 60 years of pottering around in the Kawekas, often wondering what is off the track, it is time to look harder at the easier stuff. I will let you know how it goes.
Regards Grandpamac.