Take oats and make porridge.... are you going hunting or looking for a 5-star resort? ::
Take oats and make porridge.... are you going hunting or looking for a 5-star resort? ::
we walked two days into a hut with only bare minimums and cheep dehydrated stuff for 5 ish days of students hunting
in rolls a group of cyclists with beer, bacon, eggs you name it they had it including chocolate and sweets
I dont think iv eaten a rice rissotto since
I take what ever I was planning to eat at home now
Yeh boiled eggs. Come in a disposable wrapper. All the goodness is still there. Fat and protein. A great filler to knock back the hunger pangs any time of the day.
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I guess it depends on if you are setting up a tent in the middle of the bush and trying to save on weight, or if you have a place that is easily accessible so you can take a whole bunch of stuff without worrying too much about weight. For meals in the middle of the bush I guess dehydrated powdered eggs are the way to go.
Back Country Cuisine do a nice scrambled egg mix, my wife and I use all the time on tramping trips
Oldest thread but come back to life. I used to carry eggs by putting them in pair of socks inside a billy. Fully protected from breakage used to start with a clean pair then used as the trip went on.
plenty of plastic containers designed to hold eggs,wont fit jumbos but will std #7s I remember putting egg in film canisters minus shell of course..... easy enough to do the same with small tupperware pottle or any of the many small plastic sealable containers.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Eggs is luxurious item for outdoor. I even giving up my SLR camera
So be it