Can you make up a ton of the sauce, freeze it and add the meat of your choice later?
Can you make up a ton of the sauce, freeze it and add the meat of your choice later?
Carolina does not approve of the main ingredient in this recipe
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
So I've just got to the end of the recipe and I'm confused... at what point do you throw out the possum and eat the wok???
angus -make up a couple of44gal drums of it and truck it off to the beehive restaraunt in wellington- tell them polis youve a viable alternative to 1080 and the NZ hunger problem. can ya imagine winston with a mouth full of hot fuury gravy! the minister of conservation would love it ''all organic luv-well harvest its organs!"
Angus for PM Angus for PM