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Thread: Prepping venison roasts - anyone brine their meat?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    go to the local asian super market., buy a bottle or 2 of salted rice wine ( under 2.50 a tube) its 18% booze plus salt. great marinade for anything a bit tough

  2. #17
    JLF is offline
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    Alvarez (ARGENTINA)
    When I cook lean meat over the coals, before I cook it, I make a few small cuts and add bacon, then seal the cut with string.
    Sprinkle with brine while you grill.
    1 glass bottle
    3/4 liter of water
    Coarse salt
    4 garlic cloves, peeled
    4 bay leaves

    Preparation method:

    1 Heat the water to about 80 or 85 degrees Celsius, that is, the water has to be very hot but not boiled.
    2 Slowly add coarse salt to the water and stir so that it dissolves, we will notice that the solution will become saturated and the salt will no longer dissolve so quickly. That is the right point of salt.
    3 Take the clean glass bottle (it can be a bottle of wine ¾) and add the whole peeled garlic cloves, then the bay leaves are cut into pieces and added together with the garlic.
    4 Once the saline solution has settled and with the help of a funnel, it is incorporated into the bottle with the garlic and bay leaf and allowed to cool. Then it is covered with a cork and left to marinate for at least three or four days to produce the combination of flavors.
    5 With the help of a knife, some perimeter perforations are made in the cork so that the Brine can be applied.
    Last edited by JLF; 01-01-2022 at 02:24 AM.
    mickey likes this.
    There is still gunpowder left, the Grim Reaper can wait.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve123 View Post
    Either oven bags or seal the roasting pan with foil. Stick some onions cut in half and celery or other high water content flavoursome veggies in as well to get some steam through it too.
    Do this after aging it for 2 weeks. My son did some over Xmas. Bloody hell it melted in the mouth.



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