Now it’s got to go.
Now it’s got to go.
No worries Micky.
props to you on doing a quality job but would it not be simpler, and more accurate to just slide in a rifled .22lr conversion adapter?
That was very nicely done.
Identify your target beyond all doubt
$55 parts and a bit of my time I know which I prefer but there again I’ve not used adapters but I get your
point. Thanks for the like.
Cheer’s Micky I was just about to do that.
@Blackfern this is what you snored through LOL.
Just thought that put finished project photos on.
And would you believe it now I’ve sold it I’ve just got a great block to shoot on, never mind eh!
It's gone to a good home where it will be happy, don't worry.
Those who live in glass houses, shouldn't piss off Geologists.
Think I’m going have to make another one and also possibly add a hornet one too. Will have to look around for barrels to suit and a Baikal shotgun nice having break barrel.
The guy who brought it is getting 12mm groups at 50m so I will use the Anschutz 1450 barrel again on the next build for .22lr
And maybe for the hornet as twist rate should be ok, just seeing what Baikals are available at the moment but no rush.
Might be able to simplify build and have barrels concentric to each other and add firing pin for rimfire, will see.
Any advice appreciated. Might even get away and just changing barrel and have simple pin retainer, with extractor for hornet
And can easily get the rimfire out.
I’m using Air Arms S410 carbine .22 for areas close to buildings on the block I have to shoot on but the some other areas on the property are a km away so would be ok for distance work with the rimfire, pcp out to about 45m then when I need to get rabbits and hares sorted
Rimfire can be used.