Came across this and thought it would be a good thing to think about for anyone into 3d printing.
Came across this and thought it would be a good thing to think about for anyone into 3d printing.
@Husky1600..... what calibre and how many rounds do you want in your reloading tray???
I made up ANOTHER one today....just for 44 magnum.
got one for 223
one for 22-250--------27one with bigger holes for .45/70
all I need is a plank of wood about 1" thick and I rule up some lines and set to it with electric drill and a spade bit of appropriate diameter.....
bring me a bit of wood the right size and will whip you up a new tray in no time.
75/15/10 black powder matters
The RCBS ones are great, about the right size so as not to take up too much room on the reloading bench. They have lots of holes - 80, every second one is for large rifle/magnum, and every other second one is for small rifle 222/223 size. Same size with just 50 large rifle holes rather than 80 of 2 sizes would be great. When I get back home, will have a measure up.
I have printed mags for 22s. Its tricky to get them reliable and the springs can be hard to make, but it is possible. Average magazine takes me about 5 or 6 prototypes to get a design that works.
I have been printing powder funnels that sit on the shoulder of the case and have the correct size to funnel into the neck. I have about 5 or 6 so far and they work really well, you just plop the funnel on top of the case and its steady enough to hold itself in place. I printed mine from ABS and smoothed the funnel section off with acetone then lubed lightly with graphite so you dont get pesky kernels of powder sticking to the funnel.
I have also printed pistol grips of various types and they hold up great. My dog got hold of a failed print and was chewing on it for 3 or 4 days and couldnt break it, and hes a destructive bastard
I have printed tons of rimfire suppressors and they work really well with some good design. A great tip is to buy knurled muzzle thread protectors the right thread for your barrel, print the hole in the back of the suppressor about 0.7mm smaller than the OD of the thread protector and then heat the threat protector up and press into the back of the suppressor. If done properly this gives a super solid lockup and I broke the suppressor before I broke the thread protector to suppressor joint. You just have to make sure the protector goes in concentric and parallel to the baffle holes, or make the holes well oversize.
I have printed rimfire magazine holders that glue to the side of a stock and hold a CZ mag, have also done cheek risers, small parts trays for disassembling firearms, plus a bunch of other random bits.
I mostly use ABS for parts that will see some load and print at 100% infill. I like ABS as you can glue multiple parts together using acetone, you can also sand and then smooth parts with acetone to get a very professional look rather easily. Its also cheap.
hmmmm a printed version of the slip on suppressors for .22lr would be interesting could play with length and muzzle placement with ease....
75/15/10 black powder matters
Plastic ‘blocks’ that could be used inside old Ammo boxes, to replace the cardboard dividers and styrofoam blocks.
I’d use them for reloads that are stored inside the old Norma and PPU boxes.
the plastic ones from federal that hold a row of cartridges without them rattling in the bumbag.....
75/15/10 black powder matters
K31 swiss stripper clips
How bigger objects can you print?
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
Usually about 6x6 inches and maybe 8 inches high. You can get bigger 3D printers but not so common. There is a website here with loads of cool stuff and downloadable files to print your own versions.
I had some stuff on here about 10 years ago. My step son is still involved as he runs 3D printers as part of his CNC business. His company build and sell CNC machines in Christchurch
Flip up scope covers, maybe see through like Kahles etc. Arca rails for the bottom of your stock so you can fit it to a tripod for PRS shooting.
I've printed a bottom metal to get a marlin xs7 to accept howa magazines, a knife handle, a 10/22 chassis, shell holders, a shitty .22 magazine, vehicle fuse holders, sockets, and a ton of irrigation parts.
After you've done your reloading tray, something like this would be easy to design and print:
Could one of these be made. Would be a nice extra safety to have when bush stalking. I use the safety on the howa anyway but I've always been uneasy about it,be nice to have 2 safetys that can be near silently deactivated. Of course having the rifle unloaded would be best but that's not practical when there's a deer 20metres away looking at you