Run them over the crony at all @Wingman? I'll give them a go as well some day soon. Mint shooting man.
Run them over the crony at all @Wingman? I'll give them a go as well some day soon. Mint shooting man.
Well done Wingman and Mathias on your 6x45... Well done indeed
Bit of an update on mine.
Well I sent my rifle off to Gunworks to have the barrel fluted and dulled and the blinding stainless was just too much "bling" but when i got the rifle back I was off to the range and it shot shit... 2 inch groupings at 100 mtrs is not acceptable so i took it apart, put it back together thinking it's me and not the rifle with setting the barreled action into it's stock.
No matter what I tried something was a miss so i sent it off to get bedded.
It came back Thursday so I tested it over the weekend and produced this nice wee group at 100 mtrs with 4x scope.
So I tried it again and the grouping opened up to 1/4 inch which is still in the confines of Eric Cortina's threshold
I've ordered in some 70 gr Targex projectiles to give a try as I used to run 95 gr ones in my old .243 and they killed really well![]()
Shit your peepers must be way better than mine @Seventenths, I need at least 9 power to shoot at a target
Oh...and great shooting too![]()
Last edited by Mathias; 21-09-2020 at 06:23 PM.
@Seventenths sheesh man I bet that had you nervous.. Ive seen a good shooting barrel come back from fluting like a scatter gun before! Im glad it was an easy fix.
Nice little bug holes there too. Let us know how the Targex go in yours
I've heard that can happen but haven't looked into why it happens but yes I was a little nervous!
Anyway... everything is finally functioning the way it's supposed to and I have a great wee calibre!
@Mathias... I'm glad I didn't fire a forth shot... murphy would have shown up!
What does their fluting job look like Seventenths?
As mentioned above I order some Targex 70 gr FB projectiles to try out but waited until my new scope showed up.
I stepped up in zoom buying a Leupold 2-7 and sent it to NOIA in Australia where they installed a CDS turret.
It arrived back this week so I popped out yesterday to zero the scope.
Tested the Targex projectiles at 25 & 25.5 gr of AR2206H powder weights
25.5 gr gave me flat primers so I was certainly at the higher pressure for that load in my rifle.
Apologies as I didn’t take any photos of the groups but groupings were near identical with 25 gr at 1/2 inch at 100 mtrs and 25.5 gr a tad bigger.
The 70 gr Sierras with 25 gr AR2206H still shoot the tightest.
I was running out of light but it was good to do initial dial checks out to 300 mtrs
It would be hard to ignore that first load with ho well that shot
Any chance of an update pic?
thanks for building me this rifle wingman.
It sore brings them down!
Very nice @Mikey-p , welcome to the 6x45 club!
Had some trepidation with shooting 85 hpbt's but this thing just collapsed.
Expanded beautifully.
My favourite rifle