I just got back from testing the Zastava on paper.
I ended up backing the load off to 25gr from 26.5gr with the 75gr Sierras and seated them to 47.5mm to feed from the internal mag.
This dropped the velocity back to 2800 and the pressure signs have gone. I actually found my CZ 527 loads at 59mm are in the lands on the zastava so there must be a bit more meat on this ones rifling than the CZs barrel.
Between the faster twist and the deeper seating the loads took 1.5gr less powder to match similar pressures.
Hopefully H335 can claw back a bit of speed in this rifle.
Probably the worst time of day to do it but I tested it at 100 meters in the screaming hot sun with the worst mirage and being mawled by bugs but still surprised myself with a 3/4" group!