I run a Vortex Razor on mine.
I many shoot to 50m with mine so the red dot is fine.
Saying that I can hit 8" plates at 200 meters with reasonable consistancy using some hold over.
I run a Vortex Razor on mine.
I many shoot to 50m with mine so the red dot is fine.
Saying that I can hit 8" plates at 200 meters with reasonable consistancy using some hold over.
Just ordered a TRS-25 red dot for this, don't see myself using it for more than short range,
also ordered Primary arms 1-4x for my my 300blk
and picked up 100 rounds of winchester 115gr just to function test this weekend
Borrowed a set of Daniel Defense sights from @Tommy Thanks!
drilled out a A2 break and fitted last night
Went to the deer stalkers range this morning and had a play with my new toy,
had 2 rounds that had light strikes (out of 110) but fired with out issue the second time loaded.
decided I'll buy a 13.5 hand guard for it.. (its on the way)
I'm Happy.... onto the next build (What should it be??)
Are you goign to fit a after market trigger?
thanks Grant, pity I'm only decent with them with a rest, or somewhere i can dig my elbows into,
Simon, at some stage, but the stock trigger with JP trigger springs kit will do for now.
I'm in no hurry to change it, its only for plinking... maybe if i get into 3 gun?
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Yea, I would love a real one as well but self importing a single rifles is more drama than I'm keen on. If someone does bring them in I'll try and find the cash.
But until then I'm going to do a aero upper
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There is no point other than it being the only way to have a free floated barrel in NZSRA service class-for some reason they voted that it had to be mono.
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Yes well I have a theory on why.
It's fun to shoot the Service Rifle format but cant abide by their rules. I wish it was a "real" service rifle format and not the heavy barrel target AR's. They are definitely an advantage over things with a lighter front end. It would make the thing so much more interesting. The new standard format would have made it much more fun if it wasn't made exclusive by the need for a mono upper. Especially if they dropped the target AR's. It makes it even more difficult for non AR service format rifles to compete.
I am really keen for something similar at the new Auckland range.