I’m speculating that the number of firearms handed in, probably won’t be that high
5-10% maybe ?
I’m speculating that the number of firearms handed in, probably won’t be that high
5-10% maybe ?
He nui to ngaromanga, he iti to putanga.
You depart with mighty boasts, but you come back having done little.
Sounds like a typical hunting trip !
funnily enough they are going to increase fines for firearms offences now to ensure our compliance but didn't do it before when we wanted it to stop civil gun crime
Frog ,
You be very wrong , they will get close to 100% , thru buy back , etc
Sorry but unless you are talking soley about E cat (which are already registered) that is just comical. They have no way to know how many formerly A cat semis (or components) are around nor the means to locate the ones they know about.
Unless the buy back is a 300%+ mark up on retail, you can bet some unscrupulous assholes will take the best offer from the dodgy guy at the pub flush with P money.
I don't condone this at all by the way, I am just being realistic.
Australia is slightly different.
If you are on someone's rather massive farm/station and have an issue with pigs etc, I doubt very much there will be either any dramas from the cocky in using an illegal firearm that is more suited for the job to get it done, nor a police presence to nab you due to the remoteness.
I would suspect that's where a lot of them reside.
In NZ there is a far greater chance of being spotted in public unless you were on a private block.
I saw,a registered sks straight pull in england last year. The gas port had been cut at an angle, threaded, plugged and welded then polished smooth. The gas tube could no longer be fitted. The bolt carrier handle had also been altered with an extension that bought a vertical handle close to the trigger guard so to reload you didnt have to reach all the way forward just work it like a maral.
I wasnt allowed to take photographs club rule, but it evidently was very handy in running bore competition.
Thats what ive been saying all along their are numourous reasons why people wont hand them in i dont condone it either but their control techniecs only work on the willing reasons being highest bidder gets the item some will do it out of spite some will just keep it as it isnt for sale anyway some will think well the crims arent handing theirs in so why should i some may do it as a protest the mod will then speak up and tell rhem all they are criminals and they will get out in jail meanwhile they will just laugh and continue using their semis waiting to get thrown in jail rhat will probably never happen how often does a crim get a jail sentence now for an offence with a firearm probably never
Do they honestly think that unless they pay a heap that most people will hand in a mag extension for their shotguns?
My bet is that they will get chucked in the cupboard for times when they wont get busted or there is a minor relaxation in the laws.
I'd advise against that. Might end up getting shoved somewhere you really don't want it. Why give someone leverage over you by acting in the least illegally? If it gets bought back, at least you get the satisfaction of the money and can spend that on (almost) whatever you like down the gun shop.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
@Cordite I do understand that. They just better pay up or as I have suggested there will be some that wont. Some will for sure because we are generally honest but it will be like OZ. They did get paid for firearms but still didn't hand them all in or sold them on to other than the coppers. That was for firearms not parts.
I seriously doubt they realise the enormity of what they are trying to encompass and what it will cost to ensure a vaccination rate percentage success rate for all the bits and bobs they want gone.
This is why they should've shut the fuck up for a bit, listened a little, stopped trying to look super tough to the world (this was Taxindas chance to stop nuclear warships) and actually made something that would've achieved everything they wanted with the most compliance and cheapest cost.