They work in a Saiga .223, but you have to build up the front trunion latch with putty so they click in. I'd imagine you could get them to work in an 84S as well. Buy an AUGWonder if you could mod them to work in an AR
They work in a Saiga .223, but you have to build up the front trunion latch with putty so they click in. I'd imagine you could get them to work in an 84S as well. Buy an AUGWonder if you could mod them to work in an AR
I know the fella that imports barnual ammo said he was looking at bringing in russian sks's id be keen for one of those
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What kind of AUG? The MSAR ones made in the US were supposed to be pretty good and were developing an aftermarket of bits that improved the trigger etc
Then they went bankrupt for some reason, sadly before their Glock mag 9mm AUG ever existed. Which is a pity because I'd buy two.
those sks stocks are lovely....I wonder if I can bring them in.
@Beavis, I wondered on that and then some ppl said they thought the chinese sks's with a nice stock cheaper and better. I have 2 mates with chinese sks....probably going to buy one, but the coming ammo shortage and maybe rule change is making me pause....
Now ive seen these stocks might import 3...if I/we can.
TimberSmith - Premium Wooden Rifle Stocks (Powered by CubeCart)
Those timbersmith monte carlo stocks look top notch would love one myself as for the thumb hole version..... too dressy for an sks ?
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i posted this earlier in this thread but may have been hard to find, would be a fun project
SKS AK Mag Conversion Photos by wildplumdx | Photobucket
I've got a Norc paratroop SKS. Fun gun, very sloppy build quality but shoots ok. My mate got one of the 20" ones from Gun City the other week, better build quality, looking forward to shooting it. I want a Russian SKS for collectors sake. I like the way they look with the dark red stock.
Ive got a E Cat SKS thats never been fired, and the stock is split through the wrist already LOL
Did it dry out too much? The chicom stocks are basically balsa wood
Converting my .223 saiga was cheaper than buying an Aug . It is about 10mm longer than a 11.5 inch barreled AR15.
Just looking for a nice compact scope for it