Never lost a deer yet with my .243 but have had a couple unrecovered with the.308. Strange world.
Never lost a deer yet with my .243 but have had a couple unrecovered with the.308. Strange world.
funny thing with the .243/EBRG if you talk to the old pros who used them....MOST of them will tell you same thing,use bog std 100grn pills and shoot for shoulder bones.....without hitting bone the projectiles dont expand/transpher energy as well.....they are nearly all super accurate so would seem head/neck be best option but the old hands say otherwise.....
there was large following using 87grn hornadies for sika etc.... lighter/faster and more expandy.... these days the list of choices is endless..... once I tried barnes in .223 the thought came to mind how wicked they would be in EBRG in the lighter weights... something 70ish grns fair honking along would be a mean sort of deer slaying pill one would think.
Those 87 gr Hornady soft points were excellent wallaby killers in my Abolt.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Anyone remember this article? Had some good info about .243 projectiles
Now @stug thats very rude.......wheres the rest of the articleplease post
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
I surely do...and the why not the .308 done by Graham Henry about the same time.....
Great reading @stug… thanks for posting.
a fixed 4x32 scope too.......when times were simple....
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