Photos...old bean....where are the photos????
Photos...old bean....where are the photos????
Update- have stripped most of the metal work out- cleaned most of it up- removed rust- removed 99% of the black coating on the rings- will give it all another once over tmrw- cut the ring screws down, then scrub with jiff rinse and then degrease, and at some stage will Duracote either Matt black or Blue/black.
Will also do same to barreled action soon, and sand back the stock- oil the shite out of it and send to @Hunter_Nick to recut the nearly disappeared chequering. I was thinking of attempting that part bit its too easy to eff up- and is above my pay grade
There was urethane liberally splashed about the place, inside the magwell, all over the bottom metal, i guess in an attempt to keep water out of the inletting in the stock- which is well urethaned inside.
I’m awaiting with anticipation on how this turns out… keep up the good work.
Anyone wanna hazard a guess at the weight of this BSA Walnut stock?
Had one years ago in .243,Very heavy but makes the recoil non existent ,
Further to what has already been written re trigger, I had some real trouble with mine because some 'worthy' had assembled it incorrectly in the past. Gundoc posted a very good factory diagram of the assembly. To lighten the trigger I replaced the trigger spring with an aftermarket Tikki T3 Yo Dave spring as they are near enough the same length and diametre. The trigger 'Pall' / sear engagement can also be adjusted but I left it with full engagement as I dont trust the slop on old pins etc to be safe if adjusted. All parts were polished on the faces that contact the box. The internal walls of the box also polished. Polishing made a marked difference
Ended up with a very good light trigger that has a little backlash and creep but is totally safe
Nah I was running the mini30 in those days,swapped out the red dot for the scope and got a spiker on an evening hunt if I remember,I wasn’t on the forum hunt me and a mate had fly camped at Jap creek and headed back to hut for pickup by helisika.met you,seventenths and Simon I think it was,he had the spaniel,I had Bronson the GSP.
I miss my mini 30, best bush gun out there I reakon..buyback gave me $3500 for it though,think I paid less than a third of that for it.