At first glance I thought this was about deep fried billy goat pleased to see that it isn't. However if someone has a recipe and advice on how to get the stink out afterwards feel free to post.
At first glance I thought this was about deep fried billy goat pleased to see that it isn't. However if someone has a recipe and advice on how to get the stink out afterwards feel free to post.
Cheers @kotuku! Sending me that oak was very dense of you (-:. Great you sawed one a bit longer -- that one is now useful for pegs as well, not just the wee blocks.
Oak of genus Oakus Gardenia Kotukuensis of 470 grammes green weight (noting it has already sat in the sunny window sill drying yesterday)... but about 42% g water content by weight green compared to oven dried weight is what I can read up on the web.
Given I will not get it lab oven dry but air dry equivalent, if I get it dried down to about 70% of its current weight, that shall count as sufficiently "dried" for it to to be dead and stable, and not go and change dimensions sometime after being whittled into shape.
Daughter was pleased to se the arse end of that branch.Has had her car less than a month and insurance job on the roof already when this landed across it.
made meself a mallet for the workshop out of another bit of branch too.DI Y recycling tightarse -must add that to the CV.
cordite old bean -my son scaled that bloody oak tree today and took out a big mofo branch(thank christ cause its showing signs of rot).his safety harness a2.5 tonne strop , his log truck an xe falcon. his partner shakes her head -he goes"shit old man ,almost as good as you"
now lads if youve a kenworth log truck to spare and you want some oak ive got ,or did have before i was overwhelmed with homelite psychosis (typified by delusions of granduer"ima chainsaw and youre fucked)" and spent a delightful 30min chopping the thing up .
seriously there some good wood for any woodturners or like(if youre a CHCH local as waaaaay tooo heavy to post).ive mate a woodturner down on his luck so I some will go to him.
one part will become a handle for my stock whip!
feel free its here -just yodel and we can sort it out.
with apologies ot the late glen campbell "new world in the morning"
I just love the smell
of a two stroke in the evening
as it screams its way through branch and leaves and all.,
Idont need no lycra gymn gear with is little workout
just gettin down an dirty
makin it all ::so small!![]()
Last edited by kotuku; 09-02-2019 at 06:09 PM.
@kotuku I might be in the market for some bits for my stock project.
need to have a chat I reckon.
As a "reformed" wood turner, NZ oak has a tendency to split and warp badly unless dried out slowly something to do with how fast it grows here I believe. Painting the endgrain of logs and slabs with wax r waterbased varnish was what we used to do to slow it down even then their was some movement.
As a "reformed" wood turner, NZ oak has a tendency to split and warp badly unless dried out slowly something to do with how fast it grows here I believe. Painting the endgrain of logs and slabs with wax r waterbased varnish was what we used to do to slow it down even then their was some movement.
smifficus old bean -bringya truck carcasse and a brew and takes ya lpick ol bean!
PS-the truck- -got me old "farmers trading co"battery charger out of the lockup and fastend it to the bloody battery(oops reversed terminals charge)-whooooooaaaaaaaaaaaafter 3/7days of long charging sessions got a very horny fully reversed charged 12 volter wanting to bite someone or somfing!!!
Marty, i got a couple of oak stock blanks from an old mate who cut down a tree where i took the blanks, oiled the ends and put them in the back of the garage to slowly dry out and yes... sure enough over the past 8 years they've dried out and slightly warped but good to go.
I don't see myself turning them into rifle stocks anytime soon but your point is noted.