Hi all, I think I`v got it right, I have re reamed the barrel out to .430" I D made up a new rifling head cutter and re cut the rifling 0.010" deep so it is .450" cal. Then honed and lapped the bore and re fitted the breach plug . On Sunday 13th went to the Deer stalkers range with my son and gave it a work out, shooting at 50ms cast lead 260 gr bullet, 70 grs FFFg black powder and also patched round .440" lead ball with 45 grs of FFFg b/powder. It`s looking good, all on the money at 50 ms, minute of deer.
Had the camera, so some pics of the action, what a blast!, I don`t know the fps , my be around 1,300/400 with the 26" barrel but if it hits something it will know all about it, I call it ,LEAD POISON, Pics of the shoot ,Cheers, Homebrew.357, aka Davy Crocket.![]()