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Thread: Homemade Duckbill Mask, exceeding N95 specs.

  1. #1
    Member Cordite's Avatar
    Join Date
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    NZ Mainland (Dunedin)

    Homemade Duckbill Mask, exceeding N95 specs.

    Just posting this here in case anyone are nifty with either a sewing machine or needle n thread.

    HEPA filters are everyday items in our households but they are serious kit. They were developed in the 1940s as a necessity of the Manhattan project to prevent escape of radioactive particles from reactor buildings.

    Kiwi Sapper likes this.
    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordite View Post
    Just posting this here in case anyone are nifty with either a sewing machine or needle n thread.

    HEPA filters are everyday items in our households but they are serious kit. They were developed in the 1940s as a necessity of the Manhattan project to prevent escape of radioactive particles from reactor buildings.

    yeah right-would i trust a DIY effort over a proper commercial product -im not so gullible after an extensive nursing career -whats the bloody point anyhow FFS-(Icannot count today alone how many fools ive seen in face masks with hooters/snorers /bogey containers exposed to the air .dickheads -if youre wearing a surgical mask FFSmake bloody sure it covers nose and mouth .Iwore my spare today -respirator was taken apart and throughly idsinfected -my mask was fitted properly inhale it sucks up to my face -exhale -Iblows out like a balloon-ITS A PROPER FIT-donr shagew about like a whore in a greek bordello -its your fucking life on the line -use it or lose it -pure and simple.
    sorry if i offended your sensibilities but its blatantly obvious some are as thick as pigshit and other couldnt give a fuck.I DO!

    BTW cunthooks the sneezer who thought it hilarious -thats my local supermarket her in shakeytown -if i was the judge tommorrow you dollop of fermenting sperm -youd be chained to the pylons of the arthurs pass viaduct bridge for 3 months wankstain -you need isolating ya prick so we'll indulge you!!
    Micky Duck, Daithi and Tenere77 like this.

  3. #3
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    yip that wankstain sneezer deserves to have whole library thrown at him...... facemasks are a interesting personal thing....I understand how friggin important they are in your line of work....for Joe public.....maybe they more to keep you giving to others than to stop you getting bugs off them....stops you playing ith your face too...so does putting hand in cow turd lol.
    Cordite likes this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    a distant time zone...
    Well, I have to use the same N95 3 days in a row and dry it out between fronting up outside, so I'm getting the hang of reusing it.
    Boaraxa and Cordite like this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    yeah right-would i trust a DIY effort over a proper commercial product -im not so gullible after an extensive nursing career -whats the bloody point anyhow FFS-(Icannot count today alone how many fools ive seen in face masks with hooters/snorers /bogey containers exposed to the air .dickheads -if youre wearing a surgical mask FFSmake bloody sure it covers nose and mouth .Iwore my spare today -respirator was taken apart and throughly idsinfected -my mask was fitted properly inhale it sucks up to my face -exhale -Iblows out like a balloon-ITS A PROPER FIT-donr shagew about like a whore in a greek bordello -its your fucking life on the line -use it or lose it -pure and simple.
    sorry if i offended your sensibilities but its blatantly obvious some are as thick as pigshit and other couldnt give a fuck.I DO!

    BTW cunthooks the sneezer who thought it hilarious -thats my local supermarket her in shakeytown -if i was the judge tomorrow you dollop of fermenting sperm -youd be chained to the pylons of the arthurs pass viaduct bridge for 3 months wankstain -you need isolating ya prick so we'll indulge you!!
    arthurs pass viaduct bungee . 200m drop. 210 meter bungee
    oh dear how sad never mind
    hopefully he will get a nice prison cell with a 200kg gay rapist, then he will learn about bodily fluid contamination
    sightpicture likes this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    a distant time zone...
    I have found that using micropore tape on the mask's edges gets a good seal and I do not have to tighten the (crappy 3M elastic) straps as much.

    CVS has (an expensive (equivalent NZ14$!) roll of) hypoallergenic tape that is easy on facial skin, so keeping the seal over a shift is less difficult. Stubble or not.

    But if anyone were to come up to me and cough at me in a shop when I'm not wearing a mask and pretend it was a joke - oh boy. I know some good ol' boys up here that would remonstrate with him, quite effectively. I'd leave the vicinity to preserve, what's the expression, oh yeah, "plausible deniability."

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    spreydon christcurch.
    lookin at the court report on the idiotic arsehole supermarket coucgher!! -such a pity his mother didnt swallow -this prick is doing infantlie shagnasty stunts ,and has hurt people seriously ,but seems to have the responsibility level of a 6yrold!!
    obviously couldnt give a fuck is his lifes mantra.If there hadnt have been a fuck there wouldnt have been a problem!!
    sightpicture likes this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    a distant time zone...
    In case it is helpful

    I'm now extending the life of my N95 Mask-Duo by---

    - alternating use every 2nd not 3rd day, because I...
    - ...take it off and air-dry it whenever I am my own / 3 m away from anyone, and when in my rental shitmobile
    - practicing 'percussive' particle loss whenever dry; and I do so outside in the breeze. Probably - almost certainly - unnecessarily paranoid but hey. A comforting placebo ritual.
    - not wearing the mask to Walmart / gas stations etc. There the risk is low, so: a scarf with gauze inside it. Boil the gauze and replace every 48 hours.
    - keeping my distance even from people I know and trust. In case they got infected by people I don't know and so cannot trust.

    Sometimes... paranoia is its own reward.

    But I have to ask - Why. T. Actual. F. can NZ = not a current epicenter of Xi-virus outbreak, not provide PPE for health care and supermarket workers? I know the COL ARE worthless fucking socialist idiots, but is everyone in the MOH also?
    Mauser308 likes this.



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