22-250 fast twist / long throat or 338 federal.
My 0.02c is, if it is a ‘budget build’ your ONLY option is a used donor barrel that is already threaded for that action. Once you price up the cost of a new barrel and the gunsmithing bill that will go with it, it will be more than double the value of the rifle.
A wishlist of calibres is nice, but you may have to take whatever donor barrel is available.
6x47 is out after looking at some measurements
Ive got a 30 06 barrel off a ruger american could possibly do something with?
What's involved in rechambering a 3006 barrel to 308? I have a low round count 3006 barrel lucky if its had 100 rounds through it before I took it off, so I was looking at rifle and barrel today and that would be a cheap way of putting a good barrel on it in a cartridge that will fit the mag etc. Do you have to cut the knox? (fat bit) completely off and rechamber or partially off as it would need rethreading as well?
may be sarcastic may be a bad joke
Got to cut something like 1/2 inch or so off the knox (or more correctly recut the barrel threads forwards) and then rechamber the thing and reprofile the bolt nose recess. Part of this is due to the need completely clean up the .30-06 chamber and throat area as well as shortening the length of chamber - the cartridges are close in profile but while the .308 is slightly wider at the shoulder the neck length and shoulder angles aren't the same. Best to make sure that the work completely cleans up the old chamber and resets the headspace to what is correct for the new cartridge.
Once all that is done, it will be a bit cheaper than starting with a fresh blank and fully machining it - but probably roughly the same as fitting costs from starting with a semi-fitted new barrel I would guess. You're only likely to save on purchase costs from a brand new barrel?
A gunsmith may correct me on this, but I think that if the untapered barrel shank area is long enough, it can be rethreaded and taken back into the reciever far enough to cut a .308 chamber.
A ruger barrel probably hasn’t got enough Knox diameter to fit on a Remington tenon thread
There was a couple of remington barrels for sale on here.
Probably all gone
Custom guns in invercargill had some new and also preloved remington 700 barrels for good prices although the calibres are limited
Yea i enquired about the 243 barrel
Thought it would be something roughly like that. Looks like the ruger barrel wont fit, need to go to an arms fair and see whats around. Id actually buy a walther barrel blank and do something there just need to save some dollars. Price wise it doesnt make sense to a lot of people but either does pissing it up against the wall or poking it in a machine or pouring it into a car to me. We all have something we like to spent our hard earnt money on...