Arguing with an Engineer is like Wrestling a Pig in Mud.
After awhile you realise the Pig loves it.
I can't find the sections of those Acts where it says you can make them for personel use.
@40mm how you getting on with this project
Legislation only tells you what you are not allowed to do. Unless something is specified as illegal, it is OK. If you have a standard firearms licence then you are allowed to make A category firearms for your own use. You can subsequently sell them after a suitable period of time. Bear in mind that any commissioned officer of police has the power to check (and reject as unsafe) any firearm (Arms Act, Sec 59).
You MUST have a video you can show us Boaraxa ?
nothing fancy but I dothis was a early prototype , basically a powder version vs cooking it also I was making the fuses out of yarn they were a little tricky & potassium nitrate is like a salt so absorbs moisture really easy just left on the bench will degrade them quick powder fuse is much better , anyway experimenting with different ways, work or fail was good fun
Legislation only tells you what you are not allowed to do. Unless something is specified as illegal, it is OK. If you have a standard firearms licence then you are allowed to make A category firearms for your own use. You can subsequently sell them after a suitable period of time. Bear in mind that any commissioned officer of police has the power to check (and reject as unsafe) any firearm (Arms Act, Sec 59).[/QUOTE]
well if an officer of the law were to say my home made firearm is un safe then i would expect that officer to be a qualified/experienced gunsmith.
Use enough gun
ive still got mine
Are you Military or Police? No maybe Military Police? You may have passed some legal papers but definitely failed the "do I have a basic sense of humor?" test.