Nah, I was just being lazy using the same scoop, more is always better - plus I'm after fun, light loads with a big boom for kids to shoot.
Nah, I was just being lazy using the same scoop, more is always better - plus I'm after fun, light loads with a big boom for kids to shoot.
yip ok that makes sense....old black powder rule of thumb is same volume of powder to shot.... cant see any black powder load being hard kicker from what Ive seen in 45/70....60 grns home rolled is still mild as....feels like a 410 I have been known to say.
The Cork tiles didn't punch out cleanly, they crumbled a lot - I'll need to make a thinner walled punch.
The action l locked up on about 80% of the shells, but I've rounded off all the rims so they're ready for any other shotgun.
My #7 didn't pattern well beyond 10m, so I've cut up a few old 12ga shells to try different shot sizes.
There's a lot more case capacity after the first firing, so room for a more felt buffer.
All my 410s have patterned best with #4s and #5s. The 11/16oz load in the 3" long plastic wads pattern the best followed by the 3/4oz load with the felt wads.!
oh boy will this wee nugget of gold open a can of worms when @Wingman sees it......
75/15/10 black powder matters
Ive been testing some 1 oz loads in the .410 3" brass, so happened to have the little shotty handy when this little guy appeared this morning. I have chickens and ducks sitting on eggs so it was double satisfying to flatten the little shit.
That’s a trophy
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I hate those things, had to share a flat with a pet one once. Horrible
Ive fireformed 303 British to 410
Works great
But a forming die is definitely a better way to do it
I form my 38/50 rem hepburn brass with just a 375H&H expander ball installed in my lee universal de cap die
I would do the same for 410 but lee don’t make the right size expander ball
Ive been asked to make some for a mates bolt action garden gun
410 will probably just load up some 38-50 brass (aka) 38-303 with forming loads and just fire them off