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Thread: Re-Chambering Cost

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    @Bill999 you are correct but you aint picking up what I'm putting down. we are looking at things from 2 different perspectives
    I was more meaning actual velocity rather than accuracy. Also me being continually short on funds I am always looking at cost v potential. I cant afford to do things twice and while I would like new barrels for a couple of my projects that just isn't going to happen.
    In my thought process here it was flawed as the cost of another used barrel for the project would probably be more than just machining the original barrel back a thread or so to allow for a proper chamber clean up. Unless the model doesn't have enough material to allow that to do so.
    All comes down to him having a good chat to some of the good guy gunsmiths you have mentioned for the best option



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