Way cool Gundoc, I wish I was a better mechanic/Panel-beater, there are so many cool old cars & trucks, I found some great trucks in SA, a nice 48 Bonus in drive around condition but no papers for one.
But I think i'm going to find a Willys Overlander truck, not worth a lot of money right now & cool to me.
gonetropo, again cool truck, one of my favourites is the '55 but heck sell the farm for one of those !!
Funny on your buddies horse power, I had a mate with a Ford lightning, I think 400Hp & 150 mph, super charged & he told me he wanted more power & was going to twin turbo & Nitrous it
I said heck that would be too much HP !! he kind of blinks & said he should slap me as there is no such thing !!!
Just finished two Stevens 44 1/2 firing pins
Still have to hear treat them.
But need to go out this afternoon and shut down my work until when ever
Heat treat !
For you akaroa1 that may be true but for me, counting down the weeks to my 71st birthday, it is more like a lifetimes work. Making the list was helpful and focused my thinking on what to do next. What do you think John Browning would have thought of your Hornet? I think he would have been impressed.
Regards Grandpamac.
Hmmm - here goes . . .
- replace sear spring in Miroku 1885 "Low wall" single shot (everything on the web says its a fairly daunting task to reassemble)
- make "AR ergonomic" stocks up for the Lee Enfields I'm converting to "Modern Sporting Rifles" - I have 3 or 4 on hand in varying degrees of completeness and barrel condition, I'll probably shoot them all before I spend a lot of time on the conversion, so quite a bit of shooting required on that basis alone
- maybe build a "proper" backstop for my range here at home (its a 22RF one only)
And that's just the beginning, I'm ready to be egged on and lead astray by various ideas that come to light . . . .