Mid way pre tidy up of my absolute bubbfication of a Dpt chassis buttstock. I fitted a limbsaver off the original stock that required flattening the end of the what was absent recoil pad, fitted a clutch lever as a bag rider mounted off the sling swivel stud and added a bit of thickness and sound deadening to the tube by adding a piece of alkathene. Some of the best/worst work I’ve ever done as it’s kind of perfect now and it was nasty to use with 280rem recoil and a solid Ali buttpad beforehand. I have a second factory stock that’s identical that is un butchered spare so it’s given me the green light to make something functional and usable
I’ll tidy it up after iv used it a bit but it’s hideousness makes me laugh and gives off a good fallout theme so I’ll test it and see where the improvements are needed. Currently it’s a functional prototype so I’ll share it for a laugh
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