I dont think anyones saying your way was off mate, some rifles just take a bit of faffing, guess its good to know that when the time comes there may be more gains to be had![]()
I dont think anyones saying your way was off mate, some rifles just take a bit of faffing, guess its good to know that when the time comes there may be more gains to be had![]()
sounds like a plan...get in touch next week and we cook something up.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Well 3 steps forward and 2 steps backhad some issues at the range today with what seemed like inconsistent grouping
Had me totally stumped till I got home and went over the rifle.
It never occurred to me that the old finnlight barrel and the new Tikka barrel might be slightly different in contour and diameter but clearly they are as part of my investigation revealed that the new barrel is touching the stock pretty muck most of the way from the action to the tip of the fore, it also looks like the taper is slightly different as it looks like it's been rubbing on a couple spots.
This issue was likely less pronounced when I was shooting prone off the ground as I load up the bipod a bit, however shooting off the bench at the handloaders range it's hard to load the bipod up as it just slides forward.
Anyway, will drop the rifle back to Zac and get him to re bed it and make sure the barrel is free floated, then I will load a small charge ladder at the 90thou off the lands seating depth and see if things become gravy once again![]()
Im sure you NEARLY said some naughty words mate......... lets just hope you get your load sorted before you burn the barrel out or run out of components to feed it.
75/15/10 black powder matters
another thread on here recently guys saying 300ish and getting throat erosion etc etc....faaark Im glad Im not running a hot rod....
75/15/10 black powder matters
Hey MD, why don't we open up a reloading supplies business![]()
When hunting think safety first
cause the fatcats out there would screw us into the ground and stifle any supply getting to our business.
they enjoy being able to charge whatever the hell they like in times of short supply.
75/15/10 black powder matters