Bit of an update post. Decided against the VZ33 and opened it out for a Brazilian 1908 '98. In .416 Ruger.
Realised the depth of the butt toe was not enough so I bought a Kudu horn online an added that to the bottom of the stock. Unsure as to whether I'd made the right choice but it has grown on me.
The forend tip is Wenge (an African hardwood)
Grip cap is Brownells, Pachmayr old english recoil pad, scope is a 1.5-5 Leupold and rings/bases are QD Leupold too.
I also added brass around the bottom metal.
This was due to me stuffing up the inletting. So there is a risk with the stock getting a little chintzy due to all the mistakes I've made but they should be the last as its final finishing time.
The rifle is now with Allan Carr for front/rear sights, sling attachment to barrel, welding on the straight bolt handle (oberndorf style) and a Bluing job.