We could grind the front blade off the band, then notch out the hi viz ramp to suit and drill and tap the two together
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Wondering if I should try and buy a spare front band and try to alter that in one of the ways mentioned here,at least if it goes to shit I still have the original.
Well, after working through a long list of other distractions I've finally made the time to give my stock a bit more attention. Not a whole lot, but at least it's forward progress!
Getting ready for pillar installation:
Pillars in, mag well and trigger guard cuts complete, initial barrel channel cut done and recess cut for fore-end reinforcement:
Reinforcement fitted and epoxied. Under the epoxy are 2x lengths of 6mm thickwall carbon fibre tube and 1x length of 11mm x 2mm carbon fibre strip. Probably unnecessary, but nice to have some insurance against the fore-end ever warping:
It'll probably get put aside for another week or so now, then back on the mill to carry on with the rest of the inletting.
Inletting of barrelled action and bottom metal has gone as far as I'm going to take it on the mill. Time to break out the inletting black and sharpen up the chisels and scrapers for the final fitting...
It's been a long time since I updated this thread, but for those who are still interested I got the first coat of finish on today. Poor photos I'm afraid, but with the finish still wet I wasn't about to move it somewhere more photogenic:
That looks awesome. Your a skilled man
and a tidy one looking at the pics
Nice work and an excellent piece of wood with an ideal grain through the full length.
Thanks for the kind words. Having come this far, I'm just trying not to screw it up now!
beautiful bit of wood , and very nice work as well , well done
Looking great, wish I had the patience for traditional inletting. I tend to just mill out a pocket and bed the whole inlet area. All of the stocks I have made so far have been painted though. What sort of chisels and scrapers are you using for the inletting? Anything special or specific? I have a large assortment of chisels, but a limited number of scrapers.