correct potassium nitrate...... and no your local pharmacy or fertilizer store WONT have either sulphur or salt petre but good news is they are for sale on trademe...and look to be finely ground....
Have seen the components ground up in a old vitamizer (spelling), the older version of these new smoothie makers, and then combined. Seemed to work OK..... was for a pack howitzer.....and it went bang.
Please excuse spelling, as finger speed is sometimes behind brain spped........ Or maybe the other wayy.....
Garden centre's are a good source of potassium nitrate (stump rotter) and flour of sulphur (organic fungicide) Flour of sulphur needs no grinding either but the nitrate does.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
Garden why didn't I try there LOL
be interesting to see how you get on. I have noticed potassium nitrate disappearing from some of the traditional sources.
Ask your local hunting/gun shop to get it in. It's also used for making sausages!
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
A research link.
And abstract in Chinglish, last sentence at odds with Ulrich's findings, but maybe they did not test in a gun chamber:
"Gaseous phase products and thermodynamic parameters of various charcoal/KNO3 compositions are calculated using the least free-energy principle. From the point of view of reaction kinetics theory, simulation results are analyzed and ratios of compositions optimized. Taking ratio of gas products, force of the powder and temperature of explosion as target functions, low corrosion and environmental-friendly sulfur-free black powders were designed and their thermodynamic properties improved. The physical, chemical and output properties of the optimized compositions compared with normal black powder. Results show that the sulfur-free black powder is more sensitive to flame, and insensitive to impact and electrostatics. The output power is also considerably higher than the normal composition."
Hmmm - farken great thread resurrection, just added another high priority project to my lockdown list, now to scrounge some saltpetre
The extent you have pre-pulverised the charcoal is critical for having good powder. It determines how intimately the saltpetre crystals are associated with the charcoal. Basically, the better ground the charcoal the larger its surface area onto which saltpetre crystallises when the solution cools! Using the wet method/CIA method/Mickey Duck method, you don't grind the saltpetre - this gets dissolved and then recrystallises onto the charcoal, hence the focus on as fine as possible charcoal.
Tentman, where in Invercargill are you going to scrounge KNO3 in a lockdown situation?
I've requested a copy of that academic paper linked in my last post, see if something comes through. If anyone is a member of Researchgate ( @stug ?) they may be able to help here. Looks like it's got some info that needs to be added to this thread.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch