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Thread: 1 Licensed Hunter, Two Rifles?

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    western australia southland born
    Does your mate want to take a gamble on losing his licence? Why aggravate the law? Go and ask your local AO and get them to put the answer to your question in writing. Personally i would hope your mate would have the idea that you can really only supervise one person at a time in the field with all the due safety expected from a responsible FAL holder.
    Last edited by inozz; 02-09-2021 at 01:04 AM.

  2. #47
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Well here's what I was told by my AO .
    I asked the same question . There's 4 of us in my family and we often hunt together . We each have our own rifle . At the time I was the only licensed one (I asked the question at the interview for the wife and boys license application).
    I was told it was fine for us to each carry our own rifle , but only 1 can be used at a time and I had to be within arms reach , ie under control . This included my 14 yr old daughter .
    So we always went out each with our own personal rifle but only one was ever fired , and whoever saw the animal got the shot , using either their own gun or whichever rifle was appropriate ( we have a selection of calibers between us, all centrefire).
    Now we have three licences in the family and my daughter still carries and uses her own rifle but one of us must supervise her when she shoots as she is still to young for a license .
    Last edited by Ftx325; 02-09-2021 at 08:22 AM.
    born to hunt - forced to work



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