Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
I have no issue complying, it’s what normal law abiding citizens do.
My comments are my musings about how to stop criminals getting guns, If the register stops one person getting hold of a gun then it’s worth it. I just don’t have much hope since the police have no idea and I’ve seen no research or evidence to say a register will help.
I see it more as a political decision.
Remember the 7 “P”s; Pryor Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
A register can never stop one person from getting hold (illegally) of ANYTHING, never mind that it might be a gun. What will stop them is adequate security that is only known to you and the vetting officer who approved that safe-keeping arrangement.
However, that small piece of information can, conceivably, become a shopping location/list.
[QUOTE]I just don’t have much hope since the police have no idea and I’ve seen no research or evidence to say a register will help.[QUOTE]
The Canadian "authorities" who had their collective heads placed firmly up their arses spent something like C$2billion and achieved didly-squat, whereupon the resister was abandoned. Oh yea, that was money really well spent. NOT!
And now we have the NZ police union stirrer crying foul that ACT will throw a piece wishful thinking out: something that has been shown,time and again, to achieve NOTHING, apart from becoming a "sink-hole" for tax-payers money.
[QUOTE]I see it more as a political decision.[QUOTE]
Absolutely correct. And come election time, some of those politicians will, most definately, be replaced.