From memory the company in question has done multiple ISOs, IRAP, and a few others. There are all good indicators of good security practices. And if Police follow standard procedures there will be pen testing and a C&A memo written to highlight any outstanding risks and remediation's required before the website goes live. Culture and leadership mean jack shit when it comes to information security.
Says at the link what a major part is.
You are correct about culture and leadership meaning jack shit regarding info security, but that is a two-sided coin. Poor culture and leadership allow people to breach any system regardless of intent and design. That's largely what happened in the recent leak of the documents from the US from what we can see on reporting, the person that did it was reported to have been pulled up multiple times about the practices of document security but it was never followed up by the people that should have. That is the weak link in any system...
Yes, all those involved in this registry need to be accountable for any and all leaks and breaches. Years ago while having his gun safe inspected, a general manager I worked with was told by the OA a cop in Wellington had recently been caught selling FAL details to gang members. Sounds like FAL details and registry data is only as safe as those who hold this data are honest?