What am I going to do...
1st I'm going to sit Blake and Alex down again tonight and talk about this... It's mate shooting mates not some random guy shooting another hunter. These people knew there was another person on the hill that which makes it so dam much worse.
What am I going to tell them and myself ... STOP & THINK!! what am I shooting at what part am I shooting head neck shoulder heart and if I dont bloody know dont shoot. Also that there is no place for bravado or muchco crap with hunting the "if its brown its down or if it fly it dies etc bull shit has no place in hunting.
That we all have to stop and think ..my mates is out there somewhere could this possibly be him.
No snap shots from rabbits ducks goats everything eithier let it go or a 100% shot.
I ask that we as a hunting community do the same 1000 of us with the same message, we can change laws etc but like drink driving speeding drugs etc laws mean bugger all to some ,so it becomes down to us and our attiude. I'm taking this message to my son & his best friend and myself so the we do not ever end up in this situation.. not hope and pray ,I am going to make but make bloody sure that we won't.
As I've said I'm not perfect but what I can do is make sure 100%.