They cannot refuse to give you a firearms licence unless they can establish that you are not a fit and proper person, that decision is made firstly by the police and their decision is subject to court review if the applicant pursues it.
That is the law.
You have a right to apply, and a legal right to be granted a firearms licence, if you are not disqualified by not being fit and proper in the courts opinion, and not the police's - that is purely a regulatory function.
The word privilege is a made up concoction, to suit a purpose. It is not and never has been a reality. But it is used by the police to keep us firearms owners tame and quiet and dependant, just hoping that they will let us exercise our legal freedoms and rights.
The paternalistic BS that comes with its application should be avoided at all costs.
I do understand the reason that its use has grown... it is about responsibility..... why don't we use that term...?
The ownership and use of firearms is both a right and a responsibility. If you are irresponsible your legal rights are removed....
This is the legal position... the use of the word privilege is an uninformed, and harmful practice. Something which only has a benefit in conveying the seriousness of the way that we exercise our rights. We can do that in other ways without instilling in ourselves a subservient and harmful attitude...
You all have a legal right to your own property, and yet the Govt can come along and put a motorway through under the Public Works Act, and can grant a mining licence if oil is found..... maybe your property ownership is really just a "privilege"
Half of you complain about apathy, while not even really understanding why..... there would be considerably less if we weren't all so bloody brainwashed...