Yeah well, you rely on comedians for your legal analysis...
I will maintain my rights under the law while they exist in the law. Pretty sure I have a more complete argument..
I am a bit concerned that you don't seem to know what legal rights are. Wandering around with the idea that everything is just a privilege is going to get you in a power of shit.
Lets just ignore the "God given" red herring, and the somewhat weird idea that legal rights can somehow only exist if they apply to all people for all time, and are irrevocable....
You know stepping back a little from this....
I haven't seen a concise definition of the word privilege that includes the following but it would seem to me that there is a component that we haven't talked about in the meaning of the word....
If a privilege is extended, it would seem that it is discretionary, and not obligated..... feasibly it can be withdrawn at whim (not being subject to obligation)...
- The granting of a firearms licence cannot be withheld without the applicant failing to meet the required standard - not discretionary
- The cancellation of a Firearms licence cannot be at the whim of the policing authority, it again is subject to the law before that can occur - not discretionary
Damm - don't think its a privilege after all.... everybody who does, please reassume the position.