Puffin, sir - this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHNxBheFAt4
Listen to it if you have a minute. It's a classic...
These half-baked 'news' items are one of the reasons I take everything I see/read about our law enforcement agencies with a kilo of salt.
Either item is bad for my mental/cardiac health![]()
(The System of) Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
The Alan Parsons Project
Just what you need to make you feel better
Just what you need to make you feel
Just what you need to make you feel better
Just what you need to make you feel
At the far end of your tether
And your thoughts won't fit together
So you sleep light or whatever
And the night goes on forever
The your mind change like the weather
Your in need of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
Even clouds seem bright and breezy
'Cause the livin' is free and easy
See the rat race in a new way
Like you're walkin' up to a new day
It's a wise thing if you're clever
Take a lead from Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
Find the end of the rainbow
Fly wherever the winds blow
Laugh at life like a sideshow
Just what you need to make you feel better
Remember the 7 “P”s; Pryor Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
had the boys in blue stop a couple of times whilst ive been enroute to duckshooting or coming home. both times good commonsense blokes-obviously seeing us in camo knoew the game and great to talk to.one hardcase -whered ya go how many ya get -what bugger all, shoulda sked me i shot em all a week ago!!.
Ihad one female stopped me -rifles in car -she seemd a little edgy altho polite but i was open with her and she was fine with it.
I walk around the section here in the manawatu with my air rifles , I am rural but the road is getting busier and busier with life style blocks popping up .
Wonder how long it will be before I get the boys in blue turning up. The rabbits hang around on my section and are good cannon fodder.
Patience Is A Virtue
I dont get it.
If no charges have been laid then he must have not been breaking any laws so why would his firearm have been confiscated and destroyed.?
If it was a now illegal arm held by a licensed owner you can bet they would be looking to make an example of him.
Im calling fake news. It was probably some stoner muso with a guitar.
edit, Just thought of a third possibility.
It was an actual criminal with a gun so they let him go.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Are we playing Guess Who? in that case, HERA COOK
the lefty tree huggers just found something else to complain about - labours infrastructure announcement. Treehuggers just said that labour are pushing climate change by building/fixing roads. They have been 'called out' by the social media brownie point seeking self absorbed fuckknuckles.
It will happen, on one of the properties I shoot on, early this year one of the owners was walking about early one morning with his air rifle popping a few rabbits in view of a road.
Next minute he had armed defenders pointing semi autos at him, made him drop and spread eagle and body searched him.
Apparently a female prison officer on her way to work had seen a man with a gun so called 111.
The general public are so nervous about firearms these days I think this will be our new normal. :-(
Unfortunately we live in a world where everyone catastrophes, wants to feel like a victim and then feels like they need to enact a form of social justice or otherwise make them feel like they got one over on someone. This is the very basis of call out culture, open letters, words as violence, safe spaces and Facebook likes. The root cause is xenophobia, its pretty much the same as racism, a lack of understanding breeds fear.
The world is a sad place to be at the moment. If I was a religious man, id be writing an open letter to God asking him to I form noah that a second boat was needed.
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a couple of years ago,stinking hot afternoon,ben out for a wander at mt &*#% and was just about back to the wagon at carpark,4 young kids playing in the old dry river bed we were walking along....they look up and one yells out "look hes got a gun!!!!" quick as a wink I look and yell out pointing "look hes wearing shorts!!!!"
funy as heck,the other kids laughed.
normalizing stuff works just about as well as demonizing it.