Its the new normal.
Within a day of the Mosque shooting a petition was circulating around my central Wellington street to get Gun City closed down.
Im surrounded by Green voters, liberal arts people and University lecturers (whoops, I was one

A year ago I would trot up and down the 35 steps to my ute with my guns - sometimes uncovered. Not now.
They are always in hard cases and I don't even use a case that I have that is a "gun" shape.
You just cant imagine the anti-gun sentiment in central Wellington.
None of them though ever turn down the venison I make sure that I offer them as often as I can - I think that in a little way they might just see that guns can be ok, and I always make a point of telling them about where and how it was shot.
My mud splattered ute and dog box complete with hunting and product decals is quite an oddity in my street. But I also hope slightly educating for its residents. I can leverage off me at one level being one of them, and at another being quite different, to hopefully help them see that guns are ok in the right hands.
But the reality is that most people around here are quite hostile to any sort of firearms for any reason.