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Thread: camo in the bush

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Grutsyboy View Post
    was kinda like the 2nd pic but more scrubby type shit, we never saw him move or even saw him at all, was just after 2 shots he popped out
    Did he come out and wave or what? Why would he even walk out into your firing zone,what an idiot. id be turning around and finding cover well before walking out.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by deer243 View Post
    The blaze Hat certainly makes a difference in those condations. Still, in the camo theres no mistaking im a deer, you have to be a idiot to shoot at movement if you saw me at all. With the blaze i prob dont look like a deer either, but if i was sitting down and you only saw my blaze hat, covered in a little snow and behind some scrub so it wasnt visable that great hasnt there been cases recently where people have been shot because the hunter thought the little bit of blaze they saw looked colour likely of a deer......
    You answer your own question, you should not shoot unless you identify 100% your target.
    deer243 likes this.

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by matto1234 View Post
    Did he come out and wave or what? Why would he even walk out into your firing zone,what an idiot. id be turning around and finding cover well before walking out.
    na we had had our shots, got up, put out packs back on and then saw him emerge waving his arms, so we waved back haha. then we could hear him abusing us for tryna shoot him etc. we did kinda say if we WERE tryna shoot him he wouldn't be standing. in the end we just walked off and left him, after a few words of our own anyway lol

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    No one is to blame here ,but you are responsible for the bullet that leaves the rifle. A mistake is a mistake .To many people been shot by due to silly mistakes and lack of thought .

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Te Awamutu Rural

    camo in the bush

    Legally the shooter would have been responsible if he had shot the other hunter. From what I can make out he IDENTIFIED the target and CHECKED the firing zone. How the fuck would he know if the camo clad hunter would have been there after taking the two above steps....

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    misha2001 likes this.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    wtf-surely if he saw you hed have immediately realised holy shit this is not good and outed himself immediately-yeah you would have crapped yourselves but it would be better than his decision to stay stumm and hope you missed(bloody selfish idiot).
    Like others said IMO-if tragedy happened youd have been arseholed

  7. #37
    Member misha2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiroatedson View Post
    Legally the shooter would have been responsible if he had shot the other hunter. From what I can make out he IDENTIFIED the target and CHECKED the firing zone. How the fuck would he know if the camo clad hunter would have been there after taking the two above steps....

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Second that comment. Rules 4 & 5 were observed. Why the hell would anyone go full camo in NZ bush? There were no other hints that there was any one else in the vicinity. However, had the guy been hit and survived, the shooter would have been before the courts for sure. This is why I never wear anything like camo when I'm bushing. Also, after the first shot, had I been the camo guy, I would have made my presence known for sure.



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