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Thread: Carrying firearm on doc track

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    South Otago
    Quote Originally Posted by Barry the hunter View Post
    that intrigues me ( in a very humerous way ) how does one down south tell inbreeds
    They say there from the North Island?
    ‘Many of my bullets have died in vain’

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Finnwolf View Post
    They say there from the North Island?

    What is long, hard and f#cks South Islanders?

    Primary school.
    rugerman, erniec, 57jl and 4 others like this.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by woods223 View Post
    No problem carrying a firearm on DOC tracks. Just take note of permit condition number 5.
    No firearm shall be discharged:
    • In the vicinity of huts, tracks, campsites, road-ends or other public places.
    • Within 500m of a Great Walk Hut or track. More about New Zealand's Great Walks.
    • In a manner that endangers, frightens or annoys members of the public, or that endangers any
    I regularly use tracks most weeks and only ever had a couple of awkward meetings with people. One was an arrogant German dude and the other was a local who reckoned it wasn’t an open hunting area, it was and I had special permits for restricted hunting areas anyway. Majority of people are interested in what you’re hunting and if you’ve had any luck.
    Go for it and get out there hunting. Good luck.
    An arrogant German!

    No way, I find that very hard to believe.

    Who won the war anyway

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Finnwolf View Post
    They say there from the North Island?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ross Nolan View Post

    What is long, hard and f#cks South Islanders?

    Primary school.

    Apparently not just the south island....I think the word is actually "They're" as in "They say they are from the North Island?"

    Mind you even I get caught out sometimes ....English can be a proper bugger to use properly......
    Intelligence has its limits, but it appears that Stupidity knows no bounds......

  5. #35
    MB is offline
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    English is a funny language.

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ross Nolan View Post

    What is long, hard and f#cks South Islanders?

    Primary school.
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  7. #37
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Finnwolf View Post
    They say there from the North Island?
    I always thought those from the deep south were always highly confused as to whether the woman sitting over yonder should be addressed as Aunty or the Mother in Law
    30.06king likes this.

  8. #38
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    Mar 2012
    “Did you catch anything ?”
    Its so universal it must be a real thought structure in non hunters. They all say it.

    A hunter is always much more circumspect: “get onto much up there ?” Or somesuch so youve got room to not say much without giveing offence or to give good info if you feel like it. Most often if I meet a hunter and theyre already in my ground Im happy to tell them what its like and directly them to an ok spot but not the best one …
    Micky Duck, MB and woods223 like this.

  9. #39
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    Personally i carry the gun with bolt out on big popular tracks like Wairere Falls or Sunrise Hut; carry it with bolt in but empty mag if raining or a normal tramping track eg North South track in the Kaimais or further up the Hinemaia tk on the way to Cascade in the Kaimanawas and load rounds into the mag if on a rarely used route like say up from Wairere Te Tuhi / N-S junction to the Clay Road; only when bush hunting off the track on my own do I put one in the chamber and rely on a pretested safety catch ( I test it every time as a routine).
    Micky Duck likes this.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by timattalon View Post
    Apparently not just the south island....I think the word is actually "They're" as in "They say they are from the North Island?"

    Mind you even I get caught out sometimes ....English can be a proper bugger to use properly......
    In my defence I was/are crook with man flu when I typed out that post!
    timattalon likes this.
    ‘Many of my bullets have died in vain’

  11. #41
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry the hunter View Post
    I always thought those from the deep south were always highly confused as to whether the woman sitting over yonder should be addressed as Aunty or the Mother in Law
    Unlike North Islanders who wonder if their woman of choice should be addressed as Miss Perendale or Baahbarah?
    Trout, Cyclops and STC like this.
    ‘Many of my bullets have died in vain’

  12. #42
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    The upshot is yes, you can carry your unloaded rifle in any way you like on a public track. And no you dont have to be shy about it. You dont have to carry it in a gun bag or a slip.
    You are a New Zealand hunter, a breed of a certain type, and your activity is lawful and respected.

  13. #43
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    If a tramper/family/day walker said “Did you catch anything ?” to me; I'd be stoked they were showing an interest I have to walk a few hundred metres down a gravel road to where I go hunting and often have day trippers pull over their car to say hi and have a chat. Most aren't hunters, but had grandads, fathers etc who were.

    So I do think that we as hunters get a bit paranoid at times that we are frowned upon by the entire general public. We are probably frowned upon by the few who get their opinions into the news media. But I reckon the general public as a whole are sweet as. A bit like how farmers feel persecuted by the general public; yet in a survey they did a couple of years back the general public were overwhelingly positive towards farmers. Their opinions don't make clickbait headlines though....

    A few years back I did a demo on how to salt skins and cut up a couple of goats when the Stratford library had a "hunting themed.diplay/month" I did the demo in town, outside the library on a busy Sat morning. I was astounded by the positive reception; mostly from non-hunters.
    veitnamcam, Micky Duck, MB and 8 others like this.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by bumblefoot View Post
    If a tramper/family/day walker said “Did you catch anything ?” to me; I'd be stoked they were showing an interest I have to walk a few hundred metres down a gravel road to where I go hunting and often have day trippers pull over their car to say hi and have a chat. Most aren't hunters, but had grandads, fathers etc who were.

    So I do think that we as hunters get a bit paranoid at times that we are frowned upon by the entire general public. We are probably frowned upon by the few who get their opinions into the news media. But I reckon the general public as a whole are sweet as. A bit like how farmers feel persecuted by the general public; yet in a survey they did a couple of years back the general public were overwhelingly positive towards farmers. Their opinions don't make clickbait headlines though....

    A few years back I did a demo on how to salt skins and cut up a couple of goats when the Stratford library had a "hunting themed.diplay/month" I did the demo in town, outside the library on a busy Sat morning. I was astounded by the positive reception; mostly from non-hunters.
    Great post 100% agree
    bumblefoot likes this.

  15. #45
    MB is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bagheera View Post
    “Did you catch anything ?”
    My wife always asks the same question. She knows it annoys me, now does it on purpose. The joys of married life!



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