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Thread: Carrying firearm on doc track

  1. #76
    Member stumpys's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    South Auckland
    Quote Originally Posted by Bagheera View Post
    I checked on my new DoC permit:

    5. No firearm shall be discharged:
    • In the vicinity of huts, tracks, campsites, road-ends or other public places.
    • Within 500m of a Great Walk Hut or track. More about New Zealand's Great Walks.
    • In a manner that endangers, frightens or annoys members of the public, or that endangers any

    My opinion is that the third one about "endangers, frightens or annoys" is the key one because if there is no complaint there is no problem.
    The 500m only applies to Great Walks which are limited.
    The "in the vicinity of ..." is intentionally vague as vicinity just depends on the circumstances ...

    The circumstances are discussed in all the worthy posts above. It's not a legal question.
    The definiton of a Public Place is found in Section 2 of the Summary Offences Act 1981 and states "public place means a place that, at any material time, is open to or is being used by the public, whether free or on payment of a charge, and whether any owner or occupier of the place is lawfully entitled to exclude or eject any person from that place" so basically everywhere in the DoC Estate is a Public Place.

    In a manner that endangers, frightens or annoys members of the public, or that endangers any property is a direct cut and paste from the Arms Act.

    If these are the rules in which you are to be judged if you have broken the conditions of your permit - Piublic Place in section 5 needs to be removed/ammended unless specific exemptions are listed elsewhere in the permit - and to my knowledge they don't.
    Was BINGO the name of the farmer or the dog?

  2. #77
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Bagheera View Post
    I checked on my new DoC permit:

    5. No firearm shall be discharged:
    • In the vicinity of huts, tracks, campsites, road-ends or other public places.
    • Within 500m of a Great Walk Hut or track. More about New Zealand's Great Walks.
    • In a manner that endangers, frightens or annoys members of the public, or that endangers any

    My opinion is that the third one about "endangers, frightens or annoys" is the key one because if there is no complaint there is no problem.
    The 500m only applies to Great Walks which are limited.
    The "in the vicinity of ..." is intentionally vague as vicinity just depends on the circumstances ...

    The circumstances are discussed in all the worthy posts above. It's not a legal question.
    Umm... isn't that all PCL?

  3. #78
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Maxx View Post
    Umm... isn't that all PCL?
    technically its anywhere NOT BEHIND A LOCKED GATE in so far as a workplace is concerned....if your workplace yard is open,its considered public space so licences needed to operate forklift etc..behind closed gate..not so much.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    In short if youre on doc estate toting a rifle dont give fuckwits any ammo to whine
    !coomonsense although a rare commodity in this day and age and in tertiary institutes (with hirsuite wooman lecturers of you know what persuasion)dictates what ya do.
    defy it and bud youre on your own!



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