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Thread: Childcare Centre developing gun safety kit for toddlers

  1. #16
    Member Cordite's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2017
    NZ Mainland (Dunedin)
    Quote Originally Posted by imaca View Post
    When it's thinking about the health of our children, could the Ministry of Education at least phone the Ministry of Health, regional public health bodies, or local medical officers of health, and not just rely on a big deputation from the gun lobby?
    No, Marie Russell, because as you fine well know this is not about genuine health and safety concerns. It's about aggression against anything to do with firearms under the guise of 'elfunsafety'.

    The Ministry appears to realise this, and so -- consciously or unconsciously -- does not bother involving any actual Health and Safety expert. A philosopher, or an experienced psychiatrist would be more useful.

    Of course a health and safety expert would likely support gun safety training as a default position, unless quite insane.
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  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    South Auckland for the now
    Notice if you own rifles and do the responsible thing joining a hunting or shooting organization and take an interest in teaching gun safety to kids along with some other responsible adults and school leaders, well that makes you part of . . . " The gun lobby", you know, like in America!

    Anyway, you know what I reckon kids need more of, health and safety regulations. Yeah!
    Cordite likes this.
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