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Thread: FAL licensing question

  1. #1
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    FAL licensing question

    Hey. I have a mate who is moving to a new job. Part of the job is pest control (shooting birds). I've never needed to know (as I always intend to own my own rifles), but does he need to have personal physical secure storage as part of his licence for a firearm? Reason being he does not intend to own a firearm (and then no longer requires a safe etc) as his employer will store and provide rifle as and when required. I have seen this question come up twice in two separate instances and couldn't answer for sure. I can have a DL but don't need to own a car. Why would it be different with a FAL?
    tiroatedson likes this.
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  2. #2
    270 King of the Calibres oraki's Avatar
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    I asked the vetting officer the same. The person I was a referee for had no firearms, and didn't intend to buy any in the near future, but it was a requirement to have storage. Just in case he bought one before the 10 yr renewal came up.
    The officer said so long as he has a lock on a cupboard, or a chain of stout construction and something secure to lock it to, that would do.
    Once again, could be different rules for different regions
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  3. #3
    Member Mathias's Avatar
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    Yep he is required to have storage, though the vetting officer may only require the basic security, like a lockable rack. Can depend on how anal the local arms officer is.

  4. #4
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    No he is not legally required to have storage if he does not have a firearm. That won't stop the arms officers telling him that he is though.

  5. #5
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    No the employer has secure storage ( i hope), that he has access to and the firearms are secured there. Make it clear that he will not take them home. The act only mentions secure storage and thats not always in your home. I know a guy who stores his c and e cat stuff in an old bank vault 5 min drive from his home mind you he does own the building.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sidney View Post
    No he is not legally required to have storage if he does not have a firearm. That won't stop the arms officers telling him that he is though.
    Sidney is right, there is no legal requirement to have storage prior to gaining a FAL.

    However common sense will also dictate that should the new shooter change his mind 1 day after gaining a license, he can go out and purchase a firearm with no checked security, which is bad for all of us if said firearm was to be easily stolen as it was sitting under the bed.

    Therefore the AO will insist/obsfucate the vetting process.

    tldr: get security if you want a FAL because one day you may change your mind and buy a firearm. If it's too hard to do, don't get a FAL.
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  7. #7
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    just buy the chepest storage you can find a single gun rack is only about 60 bucks from memory install it to keep the ao happy
    also has the advantage of having safe storage if he needs to bring the gun home for any reason

  8. #8
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    Put a gunsafe in of some sort, set it up with shelves and use it as a safe / locked cupboard. Then in the future if he does get a rifle, he has somewhere to keep it, the AO is happy and he gets a lockable cupboard for the rest of his "stealables". If the AO insists on having secure storage, then it is probably worth showing him where the firearms will be kept (at work) and it could also be suggested that the boss may have to supply if it is solefy for work and he would otherwise not get a license.....Even the boss chipping in could help....

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kscott View Post
    Sidney is right, there is no legal requirement to have storage prior to gaining a FAL.

    However common sense will also dictate that should the new shooter change his mind 1 day after gaining a license, he can go out and purchase a firearm with no checked security, which is bad for all of us if said firearm was to be easily stolen as it was sitting under the bed.

    Therefore the AO will insist/obsfucate the vetting process.

    tldr: get security if you want a FAL because one day you may change your mind and buy a firearm. If it's too hard to do, don't get a FAL.
    There is a requirement to have secure storage in the FAL holders residence.

    Arms Regulations 1992
    19 Conditions relating to security precautionshttp://www.legislation.govt.nz/regul...DLM169122.html
    (1)Every firearms licence shall be subject to the following conditions:
    (2) On and after 1 July 1993 the reasonable steps required by subclause (1)(c) shall include—
    (a)keeping on the holder’s premises—
    (i)a lockable cabinet, container, or receptacle of stout construction in which firearms may be stored; or
    (ii)a lockable steel and concrete strongroom in which firearms may be stored; or
    (iii)a display cabinet or rack in which firearms may be immobilised and locked so that none of them may be fired; and
    (b)keeping locked or immobilised and locked in the cabinet, container, receptacle, strongroom, display cabinet, or rack required by paragraph (a) every firearm which is on the holder’s premises and which is not under immediate and personal supervision of the holder or some other holder of a firearms licence; and...
    Ryan and Gerbs like this.

  10. #10
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koshogi View Post
    There is a requirement to have secure storage in the FAL holders residence.

    Arms Regulations 1992
    19 Conditions relating to security precautionsArms Regulations 1992 (SR 1992/346) (as at 11 December 2013) 19 Conditions relating to security precautions – New Zealand Legislation
    (1)Every firearms licence shall be subject to the following conditions:
    (2) On and after 1 July 1993 the reasonable steps required by subclause (1)(c) shall include—
    (a)keeping on the holder’s premises—
    (i)a lockable cabinet, container, or receptacle of stout construction in which firearms may be stored; or
    (ii)a lockable steel and concrete strongroom in which firearms may be stored; or
    (iii)a display cabinet or rack in which firearms may be immobilised and locked so that none of them may be fired; and
    (b)keeping locked or immobilised and locked in the cabinet, container, receptacle, strongroom, display cabinet, or rack required by paragraph (a) every firearm which is on the holder’s premises and which is not under immediate and personal supervision of the holder or some other holder of a firearms licence; and...
    Cheers. That appears to be the answer Im looking for.
    The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koshogi View Post
    There is a requirement to have secure storage in the FAL holders residence.

    (a)keeping on the holder’s premises
    Are not the same, never have been.

    It's just yet another example of poorly written legislation.

  12. #12
    Member GravelBen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muzza View Post
    If he has no firearms I am sure there will be pressure put on him to surrender his licence - no gun , no need for licence.
    Really? What makes you think that will happen?

  13. #13
    5.56 AzumitH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GravelBen View Post
    Really? What makes you think that will happen?
    For what it's worth, I know of two people that were encouraged by the visiting vettor at renewal time to let B,C and E endorsements lapse, since there were currently no firearms registered to those individuals.

  14. #14
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    So what... you don 't have to... it is not a requirement to own or posess a firearm to have a licience. Personally I would be informing said AO that what I choose to do is my business and not theirs.
    Krameranzac and Jexla like this.

  15. #15
    Member stretch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muzza View Post
    If he has no firearms I am sure there will be pressure put on him to surrender his licence - no gun , no need for licence .
    Quote Originally Posted by AzumitH View Post
    For what it's worth, I know of two people that were encouraged by the visiting vettor at renewal time to let B,C and E endorsements lapse, since there were currently no firearms registered to those individuals.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidney View Post
    So what... you don 't have to... it is not a requirement to own or posess a firearm to have a licience. Personally I would be informing said AO that what I choose to do is my business and not theirs.
    I don't own a vehicle that matches each class on my driver's license. Should I surrender my class 6, class 2 etc?



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